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Team Tickaroo's Top Tool Picks #2

Team Tickaroo's Top Tool Picks #2


What is a must-have tool that you use daily for work that you just couldn’t get by without? Read on to learn what one of our instructors and apprentices answered as their favorites!

Tassilo (Android Developer, Instructor, Data Privacy Coordinator): Adobe Acrobat 

From an Android developer you would probably expect an answer like “Android Studio” or “Android Emulator”. Those two answers though go without saying. They are both essential tools without which I couldn’t work. Besides being a developer though, I’m also an instructor for media designers and there is one tool that is absolutely indispensable: Adobe Acrobat. I very often get finished print files from trainees that I have to check over. I have to make sure that the colors are correct, whether the pages have the right format, whether there is enough bleed, and so on and so forth. In Acrobat I’m able to review all the relevant details with just a few clicks. Since I’ve also been “on the other side” of things – namely in a print shop – I know that Acrobat is the industry standard. After all, Adobe developed PDF. However, this isn’t just a tool for viewing PDFs but also a powerful toolbox for editing them. What looks good in here more often than not also looks good in print. And if something is wrong, I can find out in Acrobat what the problem is and maybe even fix it right away. But I only do that when it’s absolutely necessary and still try to make it a teachable moment. After all, the trainees should learn something too ;-)

Paula (Azubi für Mediengestaltung Digital und Print): Adobe Illustrator  
As a third-year apprentice in the field of digital and print media design, I have already familiarized myself with a number of programs. For our recently updated Tickaroo website, we wanted to design something that was a bit different. Adobe Illustrator made it easy for me to create my own digital illustrations and prepare them for our website. By individually adjusting the pressure sensitivity of the brush tool when drawing with the Wacom Intuos Tablet with Illustrator, I can digitize my own drawing style. With the help of the direct selection tool, incorrectly set anchor points can be easily moved or deleted later. This results in clean illustrations that can be exported and used in many different ways thanks to the different color modes and color profiles.

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